Monday, October 20, 2008

"Where In The World" Quiz

Where is my next destination?

Hint 1: It is 887 miles from the house.

Hint 2: It is the capital of the state.

Hint 3: It is the second most populous state capital (behind Phoenix, AR)


Kara said...

Indianapolis, In

Nora said...

Yup! I think hint #3 was too much of a giveaway.

Kara said...

It was hint #1 that did it for me. Or the 1, 2 combo of hints. I went to Google Maps and typed from: Morriston, FL to: "insert city". I tried Philadelphia and Columbus, OH first. They were both too far. I could tell Indianapolis would be a good try and lo and behold it was the right distance. I didn't even mess with hint #3, even though it probably would have been the faster way to figure it out.

Nora said...

my sistahs wicked smaht!